Advertising: bring out your critical side

Advertising is a marketing tool whose aim is to disseminate and promote the sale of products and services. Based on the great influence that advertising has on our purchasing habits, the aim of this workshop is to understand and analyse advertising from a critical point or view so that we do not allow ourselves to be persuaded by it.

What will you learn in this course?

To acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes which allow safe, autonomous and responsible use of the Internet, endeavouring to:

  • Recognize what advertising is and its objectives.
  • Understand what advertisementes are and to differentiate their elements.
  • Detect the mechanisms and strategies of advertising.
  • Understand the influence of design and appearance.
  • Develop a critical opinion on the influence of advertising on our perception of reality and our consumption habits.
plus Workshop

Planned and structured sessions that interrelate theory and practice. Participants are actively involved through physical and digital dynamics.

plus 1 session – 90 min

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